We provide a tailor-made "brilliant column" for your trade magazine, newspaper or
magazine.The desired subject is highlighted and viewed from all sides. It can be
humorous, controversial and / or provocative texts.Leonard Loman, if desired, brings
a recalcitrant, quirky, somewhat light-hearted vision of a certain subject.
Responding to current events of the day, of the week, month or years on the past and
/ or the future.
Leonard Loman takes your reader into account and coordinates what they would like to
read or not. Every notebook is seen as a business card and he knows how to "impress
the reader".
The reader is stimulated without exaggeration. Creating a structure with a common
thread. Taking position and challenging. Offering a breath of fresh air that keeps
the reader awake and up to date.
Stylish sentences with a (possibly) surprising twist, with a bouncer or a feedback
to the start with which it all started.
Or a chosen open end ...
The personal view of the world of this writer or from a different perspective starts
with a rate from € 395, -